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9 Proven Strategies for Successful Credit Union Marketing

To help people learn about the benefits of using credit unions for their financial needs, you need to try these proven strategies for successful credit union marketing.

Credit unions face unique challenges when it comes to marketing, as they must compete with larger, more established banks while also differentiating themselves as not-for-profit institutions. 

If you are looking to increase your membership and grow your credit union this year, you must understand that effective marketing is crucial to your growth and success. 

In this blog post, we will discuss some strategies that can help credit unions achieve marketing success.

From highlighting the benefits of membership to creating engaging content, these strategies can help credit unions attract and retain members. Read on to learn more.

Here are a few tips on how to promote credit unions and help people learn about their benefits:

1. Get active on social media.

Make it easy for people to find your credit union by being visible on social media. Many people are not aware of the credit unions in their area, or they may not know how to join. 

Make sure to provide clear information on how to find and join a credit union in your area. You could also offer to help people with the process if they need assistance.

2. Organize financial literacy programs to promote the benefits of membership.

Design webinars or information campaigns to promote the benefits of being a member of a credit union. 

Unlike banks, credit unions are owned and controlled by their members, which means that members have a say in how the credit union is run. This can lead to a more responsive and customer-friendly institution. In addition, credit union members often have access to exclusive products and services that are not available to non-members.

3. Talk about the ways that credit unions give back to their communities.

Credit unions are not-for-profit organizations, which means that they can use their profits to invest in the communities they serve. This can include things like sponsoring local events, providing financial education, and supporting community organizations.

4. Share stories about how others have benefited from being a member of the credit union.

You can also share stories about real people who have had positive experiences with your credit union. Hearing about the experiences of real people can be a powerful way to promote credit unions. 

You could share stories of people who have saved money by switching to a credit union, or who have received helpful advice from a credit union representative.

5. Leverage content marketing techniques to reach more potential members.

Some credit unions have turned to content marketing to create additional touchpoints for their prospective members and to engage their members. 

You can create downloadable resources on topics that are relevant to your members, such as homeownership, building a strong credit history, or savings. Some of the formats you can explore are:

  • Blog posts

  • Educational e-books

  • Infographics

  • Social media posts

  • Short, entertaining videos

You can also explore traditional marketing techniques like conducting a direct mail campaign, which can be a strong complement to your online marketing activities.

6. Create a compelling referral program.

Another way to market your credit union is by offering rewards and incentives to your members for referring friends and family. Here are a few tips for creating a compelling referral program for a credit union:

  1. Offer meaningful rewards – This could be cash bonuses, discounts on loans or other products, or even gift cards to popular retailers. 

  2. Make the referral process easy and convenient – The easier it is for members to refer their friends and family, the more likely they will be to do so. Consider offering online referral forms, or even a referral link that members can share on social media.

  3. Promote the referral program to your members – Make sure your members know about the referral program and how they can take advantage of it. 

  4. Provide regular updates on the referral program – Make sure that your members are aware of your referral program, as well as any updates or changes. This helps keep the program top of mind for your members.

7. Use personalization to target customers.

Like any other business, it’s important for credit unions to tailor their marketing efforts to the specific needs and preferences of their target audience. 

Credit unions can use demographic information such as age, gender, income, and education level to create marketing messages and materials that are relevant and appealing to their customers.

For example, if your audience is primarily young adults, you might use social media or mobile marketing to reach this audience and promote products and services that are tailored to meet their needs, such as student loans or low-interest credit cards.

On the other hand, if your target audience is older adults, you might focus your marketing efforts on more traditional channels, such as print or even television advertising. 

You can opt to promote products and services that are more relevant to this demographic, such as retirement savings accounts or financial planning services.

8. Design personalized experiences for your clients.

Aside from targeted marketing, you can also use your clients’ information to create personalized experiences for them. 

Using the data and information you have about your customers, you can design products and services that are tailored to their individual needs. You can offer personalized financial advice and recommendations, customized loan and investment options, and personalized communication and engagement through channels like SMS, email, and social media.

By creating personalized experiences, your credit union can build trust and foster strong, long-term relationships with your clients. This can also help you show your commitment to helping them achieve their financial goals, which can help build loyalty.

9. Invest in good ol’ advertising.

Advertising is a tried-and-tested way of generating interest and raising awareness. Credit unions can take advantage of this by investing in a strong Google Ads campaign, testing and picking the ads that perform best. You can start by bidding a few keywords in your city, such as “banks near me” or “student loans in [Your City].”

Another channel you can explore is print advertising, like what TEG Federal Credit Union did in one of its campaigns.

Source: Ashworth Creative


Final Thoughts

In conclusion, credit unions can benefit greatly from marketing strategies that are tailored to their unique needs and target audience.

In addition, by using a variety of marketing channels, such as social media, mobile marketing, and traditional advertising, credit unions can reach a wider audience and increase their visibility. 

By following these tips and staying true to their unique values and mission, credit unions can effectively market themselves and continue to grow and thrive.


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Posted on December 15, 2022