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What's on the back of an HVAC service order form?

There is a number of different formats available for heating and air (HVAC) service order invoice forms. The layout or design may differ, but they all capture the same information for the most part. It all depends on your preference and what meets your business needs best.

The question we get asked a lot is what exactly is printed on the back of the last copy. The last copy is made from a thicker more sturdy manila card stock paper and on some HVAC forms, it is blank. Some, on the other hand, have a section printed on the back of the last copy which has four major tables.

The first is labeled " ADDITIONAL MATERIALS, SERVICES, AND LABOR." as you can see from the image below, you can write in, the quantity, unit price, amount, hours, labor, and rate. You can then write in the total for materials and labor.

back of HVAC work order invoice

The second table is labeled "JOB COST RECORD". It also allows you to write up the quantity, description, and cost.

The third section has a table labeled "TIME AND LABOR RECORD". This is where the technician's name is written, the date, time in, time out, hours, rate, and the total amount of money charged.

The last section is labeled "OTHER JOB EXPENSES". To the right of that, you can summarize all your costs, the total selling price, gross profit, and your net profit. An image of what is printed on the entire back of the HVAC work order form is included below for your reference.

back of HVAC work order invoice form


Custom HVAC Service Invoice Forms

It’s important to have professional service forms for your HVAC service. Use custom HVAC service order forms to manage your jobs and maintain accurate records.

Stop using generic forms that don't accurately represent your business – order your own custom HVAC service invoice forms from DesignsNprint today. Contact us at 1-800-492-1218 or order online.

Posted on March 30, 2016